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What To Do When Disaster Strikes While Planning Your Wedding

It is a lovely November afternoon in Chicago.   You’re driving home from work and you hear on the radio, “Extra Alarm Fire today in Oak Lawn’s Eva’s Bridal Shoppe leaves brides scrambling after hundreds of wedding dresses were destroyed when the longtime bridal shop went up in flames.”  Here is a link to the news video
Can this honestly be happening?  Your wedding is in two weeks, they have your dress….  Things do happen so what do you do?

As in most things, you get what you pay for.  I know times are tough and we all need to save money.  You can find all sorts of deals on the internet and most of the time that is great but what if something goes wrong?  An 800 number is not always your best bet for help.  You will have some major purchases for this wedding, so it is best to choose well known, established, full-service shops.  Brides will generally get better service from a “small,” local shop than from most bridal warehouses.   Why?  Because they have a vested interest in you as a customer, their reputation.  This situation in Oak Lawn was a terrible tragedy, not only for the brides but for the owners and employees of this very well know shoppe.   This reputable Bridal shoppe set up a hotline for brides and because of their 45 years in business and excellent relationships with all of their designers they worked hard at replacing dresses and making sure the weddings went on. 

Chances are your dress will not go up in flames but things happen.  You have to invest your money into purchases from businesses that are invested in you!  I will say it over and over again a wedding vendor that is invested in their business is invested in you.  To protect yourself choose vendors based not only on price but reputation.  You can check with the better business bureau, ask people what their experience was like.  Do not just base your purchase on price! 

We love Michelle’s Bridal and will say they have an excellent reputation and wonderful customer Service, they have your back!

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