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A Wedding Dress to Fit Your Theme

Brides are constantly wondering how to incorporate their wedding theme with their bridal gown…. Here are some quick tips to get the job done!! • Add a splash of color! Incorporate you wedding colors into you wedding dress, shoes or hairpiece. A beautiful sash to accentuate your waist and pick up the colors of your…

How to Survive a Bridal Show

It is September, the leaves are beginning to yellow, the air is cool you can smell BRIDAL SHOWS! Yes it is show season! I must say when I hear the two words “Bridal Show” I start to twitch. Let me tell you as a vendor these things are alot of work and very stressful! I feel like I am in a crowd of star struck Brides jumping up and down screaming. “Pick Me, Pick Me!” It is exhausting! So if it is tough on us, it is going to be tough on the Bride. Yes you can survive the “Bridal Show” experience, in fact you can really benefit by know exactly what to do.

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